June 01, 2007

DocProject for Sandcastle 1.6.0 RC Preview

In this blog post you'll see and read about some of the new features of DocProject that will be released with the 1.6.0 Release Candidate. But first, I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who downloaded DocProject and provided feedback. I appreciate it. Please keep the comments and feedback coming!

If you're only interested in screen shots – scroll down :)

1.6.0 Changes

This is one of the biggest releases yet, IMO. Much of the code-base has been refactored to support new features and to improve existing ones. Changes were made not only to the source code, but also to the solution and project files, and to almost every aspect of DocProject. There were also several new additions to the code-base in the form of source code and new projects. But don't worry; the end-user experience has not changed other than to include new features and improve existing ones. And the source code, for the most part, is still basically the same. Your existing knowledge of how to use DocProject will still apply, but it will no longer be the whole story.

Please note that existing DocProjects and DocSites may no longer work as expected. You are encouraged (if not required) to create new documentation projects again by removing existing ones and using the New Project Wizard to recreate them. I have not tested older projects with DocProject 1.6.0, but I suspect that they will not be able to complete a help-build.

Solution and Projects

The first change to the solution was to start using solution folders to categorize the projects. The Sandcastle code-base was then pulled out of the Add-In project (which has been renamed) and included in a new project named, DaveSexton.DocProject.Sandcastle, which appears under the Plug-Ins solution folder along with the Sandcastle/Deployment project. There is also a new project named, DaveSexton.Controls.HtmlEditor. I'll leave that one alone for now and let you figure out its purpose for yourself ;) There have also been several changes to the InstallPrep and Installer projects, although existing functionality has not really been removed or altered, for the most part. The preparation process is still the same as it was before, but with some additional files and requirements.

Building the Installer

If you're planning on building the Installer project then the only concern you should have is that the HtmlEditor project requires the Microsoft.mshtml PIA to be installed on the target machine, so the installer requires a bootstrapper to be built (Setup.exe) that includes the redistributable vs_piaredist.exe file, which installs the required dependencies. In order to include MSHtml in the bootstrapper I created a prerequisite bootstrapper package that is included in the InstallPrep project under the Bootstrapper folder, the contents of which should be copied to Visual Studio's bootstrapper directory manually. The Readme.txt file that appears in the same folder explains its use and also provides import legal information that you must agree to before using DocProject's source code. The agreement is also presented in a dialog when DocProject is installed, but only if the required dependencies must be installed on your system. You should read this file before attempting to build and redistribute the installer and the source code.

Although I haven't tested yet whether building the installer will fail without having the MSHtml bootstrapper package present on your system, I assume that it will. I'll test this to make sure and update the appropriate wikis on CodePlex to indicate end-user requirements to build the installer using the source code, but for now just assume that you must follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file.

1.6.0 Features

Here's a preview of some of the new features that you can expect in DocProject 1.6.0 RC. I'm still testing some of them on Vista, XP, and Windows Server 2003, but things are going well. I expect to deploy by Monday June 4, 2007.


The installer will now detect the following versions of Visual Studio on your system and automatically install the templates and Add-In, where appropriate, for both Just Me and Everyone installations. Having more than one version of Visual Studio on your system at the same time is acceptable since they can all share the same templates or have their own copies if you install for everyone:

  • Visual Studio 2005 Standard+
    • The Add-In and all templates are installed.
  • Visual C# 2005 Express
    • Only the C# Project Documentation template is installed.
  • Visual Basic 2005 Express
    • Only the VB.NET Project Documentation template is installed.

Note: Currently, the DocSite templates will not work in Visual Web Developer 2005 Express.

The DocProject installation directory will always have the same contents regardless of what versions of Visual Studio are on your system when you install DocProject.  The only variance based on the different versions of Visual Studio are updates to the registry and the location where the Add-In and/or templates are copied.

There is only limited support for express editions, which I'll detail in the release notes for the 1.6.0 RC. Basically, express editions get the New Project Wizard and use the MSBuild task, but projects in express editions do not have Add-In-specific features such as the Include Project Output Dialog and the Tools > Options > DocProject pages. Users can still configure DocProject by editing the project file manually. However, Sandcastle is still configurable in the same way as the full version of DocProject; i.e., by editing files in the Presentation folder inside Visual Studio. Projects are also built in the same way, with support for a build process component as well.

Visual C++ Source Projects

DocProject now provides support for Visual C++ projects as sources for DocProjects and DocSites. Reference Visual C++ projects as you would any other project reference and their APIs will be included in the compiled help.

Html Files Names: GUID or Friendly

By default, the Sandcastle Build Assembler utility, which generates the HTML topic files, is now configured to use GUID file names instead of friendly names that corresponded to the names of the API topics, as used previously. This allows projects that have long, nested directory structures to build without throwing a System.IO.PathTooLongException (special thanks to the people who pointed this out to me :). You can change a setting to use the friendly names if you want: Tools > Options > DocProject > Active Projects > Build > Use friendly HTML file names (disabled, by default).

MSBuild Task and Command-Line Support

The template files for DocProjects and DocSites have been refactored to invoke a custom target named, BuildHelp, which references the DaveSexton.DocProject.targets file.  The targets file, located in DocProject's bin folder, starts the assembly-build process and then, afterwards, starts the help-buld process, which is executed by the Add-In in much the same way that it has in previous versions of DocProject.

To support this feature the installer creates an environment variable named, DocProjectBuildPath, which points to DocProject's bin directory. The environment variable is created with user-scope if you select Just Me in the installer and system-scope if you select Everyone.

The MSBuild task simply delegates the help-build process to the DocProject Add-In, which has been refactored so that it can execute outside of the Visual Studio IDE as well as inside. In other words, MSBuild is now used to start the build process and DocProject's Add-In takes over, using the appropriate method depending upon whether it has been initialized as a Visual Studio Add-In or simply invoked out-of-process by the MSBuild engine. This means that the Add-In will build your project files when they are used as Visual Studio projects, as they always have been, but also on build servers that use MSBuild - without running Visual Studio. No changes to the DocProject or DocSite project files are required for them to be buildable in any environment.

You can build DocProjects and DocSites on the command-line by simply running MSBuild and specifying the project file as an argument. For example, open the Visual Studio Command Prompt and enter the following to build a C# DocProject named, "your project":

msbuild.exe "c:\your project.csproj"

Note: Visual C++ projects must be built by the solution file. MSBuild will warn you about this if you attempt to build DocProjects or DocSites that reference a Visual C++ project. In that case, just pass the solution file to msbuild.exe.

Your DocProjects and DocSites can be specified as targets in other MSBuild project files on a build server as long as DocProject has been installed on the server (or at least with the DocProject assemblies and appropriate configuration present, even if DocProject is not actually installed). Make sure that the relative references to other projects in the DocProject or DocSite project file are valid.

New Project Wizard Header

The first change that you'll notice when creating a new DocProject or DocSite is in the New Project Wizard's header, modified slightly just to keep things interesting ;) (See Figure 1 below)

New Project Wizard – Choose a Sandcastle Presentation

The first useful change that you'll notice in the New Project Wizard is that the Choose a Sandcastle Presentation step provides readable names and a short description of the presentations that are available. (See Figure 1 below)

The data is located in DocProject's configuration file (commonly found at, C:\Program Files\Dave Sexton\DocProject\bin\DaveSexton.DocProject.dll.config) in the new presentation configuration section. This section describes the presentations that are installed with Sandcastle, indicating a human-readable name and description, and providing the locations to all of the tools and directories that DocProject expects. There is also a place to add custom Regular Expression and XPath expressions that will be used by DocProject to automatically transform the imported Build Assembler configuration file (sandcastle.config) when creating a new DocProject or DocSite. You can modify, remove or add new transformations to customize the default configuration files as they are imported into new projects.

Note: You can use the new presentation configuration section to add your own custom presentations too!

Figure 1: New Project Wizard - Chooose a Sandcastle Presentation
Figure 1: New Project Wizard - Choose a Sandcastle Presentation

As you can see from the screen-shot, the wizard looks a little bit different now. Other than the slight change to appearance and the new pre-load behavior, it functions identically to earlier versions of DocProject.

New Project Wizard – Create Shared Content

The next feature is the ability to create a header and footer using an Html Editor. The header and footer content are shared by all API topics and can be found in your project's Presentation\Content\shared_content.xml file, which you may edit manually as well. I'm also considering whether to add more sections that would correspond with other items in the shared_content.xml file, for a future version of DocProject.

Figure 2: New Project Wizard - Create Shared Content Figure 2.1: Html Editor Context Menu
Figure 2: New Project Wizard - Create Shared Content
Figure 2.1: Html Editor Context Menu

Notice in Figure 2 that the Header and Footer sections may be toggled between visible and hidden states by clicking their respective title bars. The box next to the title will contain a plus sign (+) when a section is collapsed and a minus sign (-) when a section is expanded.

The header and footer may be edited at a later time using the API Topic Designer, which is located at Tools > Options > DocProject > Active Projects > Content > API Topic Designer. Locate this setting for your project and click the ellipses button to open the editor, which is identical to the editor in the Create Shared Content wizard step, but without the wizard's chrome.

The Html Editor that is used here may be the beginning of a topic editor control as well; although I'd much rather use Visual Studio's HTML editor instead of reinventing the wheel, which would not be easy. One of the reasons that I wanted to use Sandcastle inside Visual Studio in the first place is so I could use its HTML and XML editors, but more on this discussion another time :)

API Topic Management Dialog

The API Topic Management dialog provides some new options for filtering API topics based on categories and regular expressions, such as the ability to find the next match only and to specify whether the dialog should automatically show matched topics in the TOC (i.e., if a matched node is hidden then its parent nodes will be expanded until it becomes visible, and then it will be scrolled into view).

Figure 3: API Topic Management Dialog - Topic Filters
Figure 3: API Topic Management Dialog – Topic Filters

The TOC is loaded on-demand now, by initially loading only the root topics and then loading the children of each individual topic as they are manually expanded for the first time. This saves some initialization time, but may increase the time that it takes for the filters to work. For this reason, the filters now execute asynchronously and the find next match only option is selected by default.

The API Topic Management dialog also provides support for editing project and namespace summaries in text mode (the contents of which must be valid xml just like with code comments) or using an Html Editor, as in Figure 4 below. You can freely switch back and forth between text mode and html mode and your changes will be persisted.

The Summary Text and Summary HTML tabs are only activated when the project node is selected, as in Figure 4, or when one of the namespace nodes is selected. For example, the Contoso namespace that appears in Figure 4 can be selected in order to edit its summary. If the AppConfigElement node is selected, however, the summary editor will be disabled.

Figure 4: API Topic Management Dialog - Summary HTML Editor
Figure 4: API Topic Management Dialog – Summary HTML Editor

You can open this dialog by locating Tools > Options > DocProject > Active Projects > Configuration > API Topic Management and clicking the ellipses button. It's in the same place that it was in 1.5.0 :)

And More…

There are other features that I haven't discussed here, but I think the ones that I've mentioned are probably the most important.

I hope you're excited to use these new features, since I worked hard to create them. I'd love to know what you think about them and your ideas for other features, so please use the contact form here or on CodePlex, or leave a comment on this blog post and let me know what's on your mind.


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